Man! Does life get busy, or what?
Sometimes I find myself so busy with…stuff that I can’t seem to find any down-time. On the other hand, it sure beats being bored. It is interesting that there are some of you out there who probably have the opposite challenge; you are bored stiff and long for something to do. Maybe you should investigate your options. Find something to do. I have always felt that autumn is a great time to incorporate positive change. But for those of us who are already busy, we want change to stop for a minute. Just give us a moment to catch our breath. Nevertheless, over the years I have discovered that, whether you are ready for it or not, change is inevitable.
In autumn, seven years ago, these were the thoughts I wrote in my journal:
Sometimes I think about the things I do—the day to day tasks, the must do’s, the necessary, the the simple and the complex activities of life. When I take a really close look at them, many of them seem so very trivial. Especially when compared to the need for people to know you; know your mercy; your grace; your salvation.
I imagine that even in tropical climates there is something in the air that signals a changing of the seasons. Here, it is time for the changing of leaves, birds flying south, and days growing shorter. I imagine that for people like me, ordinary people, there are still other things that signal change in our lives. Such as our parents growing older, our children growing older, and we are growing older.
Lord, prepare me for the changes that must come in my life. Prepare me for the victories and defeats. Prepare me for the trials, as well as the triumphs. Throughout our journey together you have proven to me, time and time again, that you are a God of mercy, forgiveness and second chances. Now, use me to help others along their life’s journey. Help me to be content with where you have placed me, with what I am doing, and with how you are using me.
But, Lord, if it is time for another change…time for another season in my life, then, let me accept it, embrace it and trust you…all the way to the end. (Signed, your son, Victor)
My dear readers, I don’t know where you are in your life’s journey. You may be contemplating marriage, a veteran of marriage, or a married veteran. You may be seeking a career, changing careers, or retiring from a career. Perhaps you are beginning your spiritual journey as a new believer in Christ, cultivating your current walk with Christ or trying to figure out how you allowed yourself to slip away from a committed walk and into a casual stroll, with only occasional moments of faithfulness (Some changes are not so good).
My advice, reevaluate where you are. If you are off track, get back on track. Embrace positive change or, depending upon your present state, incorporate constructive change into your life. The kind that cultivates a committed walk and promotes spiritual growth. Because, one thing is for certain, no matter where you are in your life right now, it is a guarantee that you will not be there in the future. If only by reason of the seasons, change will come. Yes, change is inevitable.
Sometimes I find myself so busy with…stuff that I can’t seem to find any down-time. On the other hand, it sure beats being bored. It is interesting that there are some of you out there who probably have the opposite challenge; you are bored stiff and long for something to do. Maybe you should investigate your options. Find something to do. I have always felt that autumn is a great time to incorporate positive change. But for those of us who are already busy, we want change to stop for a minute. Just give us a moment to catch our breath. Nevertheless, over the years I have discovered that, whether you are ready for it or not, change is inevitable.
In autumn, seven years ago, these were the thoughts I wrote in my journal:
Sometimes I think about the things I do—the day to day tasks, the must do’s, the necessary, the the simple and the complex activities of life. When I take a really close look at them, many of them seem so very trivial. Especially when compared to the need for people to know you; know your mercy; your grace; your salvation.
I imagine that even in tropical climates there is something in the air that signals a changing of the seasons. Here, it is time for the changing of leaves, birds flying south, and days growing shorter. I imagine that for people like me, ordinary people, there are still other things that signal change in our lives. Such as our parents growing older, our children growing older, and we are growing older.
Lord, prepare me for the changes that must come in my life. Prepare me for the victories and defeats. Prepare me for the trials, as well as the triumphs. Throughout our journey together you have proven to me, time and time again, that you are a God of mercy, forgiveness and second chances. Now, use me to help others along their life’s journey. Help me to be content with where you have placed me, with what I am doing, and with how you are using me.
But, Lord, if it is time for another change…time for another season in my life, then, let me accept it, embrace it and trust you…all the way to the end. (Signed, your son, Victor)

My advice, reevaluate where you are. If you are off track, get back on track. Embrace positive change or, depending upon your present state, incorporate constructive change into your life. The kind that cultivates a committed walk and promotes spiritual growth. Because, one thing is for certain, no matter where you are in your life right now, it is a guarantee that you will not be there in the future. If only by reason of the seasons, change will come. Yes, change is inevitable.
This is why we need Jesus. Because in a world of change, we still desire (and need) stability, consistency, solidity, firmness, steadiness, reliability and strength. There is only one who can guarantee these for an eternity.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
From the ever changing Heart and Mind of Victor