I cannot help but to think warm thoughts whenever I think of mothers. Adjectives such as loving, kind, patient, wise and discerning come to mind. Admittedly, it is sad and unfortunate that in our modern times we have anomalies to this image of motherhood. Our news is littered with horrendous stories of mothers who have behaved in manners that are godlessly disturbing. I realize that some of you reading this have not had the ideal mother and the thought of her conjures sad memories. I’m so sorry for that and welcome your email requests for prayer support in order to help you through it. However, let me also assure you, these anomalies are not the image that God intended for mothers.
I’m sure that others of you reading this have fond memories of your mothers. They certainly are unique creatures, aren’t they? mothers, I mean. They seem to posses this uncanny ability called intuition, which is based upon nothing tangible. Mothers can sometimes read your face and can tell when you are stretching the truth. Mothers can also have hunches and her hunch will oftentimes turn out to be right on target.
My thoughts of my mother are wonderful recollections. Thoughts of her laugh, images of her smile and the sound of her voice cause a flood of reminiscences to rush into my mind. I love my mother. If I had to sum her up in one word it would have to be the word “servant.” That woman served a husband and six children for many years. She's serve God even longer than that. She continues to advise me to this very day. I often tell the congregation how she preaches to me during our conversations. When I tell her, “Mom! I already know that. After all, I am a preacher. For goodness sake, I graduated from seminary!” It does not deter her. I simply have to wait until she finishes her 3 point sermon, say, “I love you.” And hand up the phone, while a smile plays at the corners of my mouth.
As I was saying, the years gone by are filled with memories of my mother’s service to others. Her service to others has been motivated by her service to our Lord. Even now, in her twilight years, she and my father open their home regularly to a bible study group. She doesn’t move as fast as she used to, nevertheless, the living and moving she does do is to the glory of God.
I attribute much of my desire to serve God’s people in ministry to the example of servanthood displayed by my mother. And it is, indeed, a privilege to serve. I didn’t say it was easy. I did not say that it was not sometimes frustrating, other times difficult and occasionally lonely. I said it was a privilege. When I walk into my office, I remind myself of this at least once a week. I call it "being grateful."
In case you didn’t know it, you too are called to be God’s servant. Servanthood is not just for godly mothers and seminary taught preachers. It is for every believer in the family of God. It is unfortunate that some of us get it wrong. Charles Finney once said concerning this sort:
“They all profess to be servants of God, and yet by observing the lives of many, it becomes manifest that instead of their being God's servants they are only trying to make God their servant. They are seeking to make God their friend, that they may make use of Him to serve their own turn.” Charles G. Finney
So, here is the bottom line. God has equipped each one of us so that we might be servants; not serving God in order to get, but serving Him because we have already been given. Christ gave himself for us. If there is any debt owed here, it is our owing him. Christ did not equip us with gifts to simply sit on them, but so that we might serve.
So, as you remember your mother (that is, God’s idea of a mother) remember the word servant. And when you remember the word servant, remember that you have not been saved to sit back and wait, you have been saved to serve in faith. Finally, once you remember that you have been saved to serve,…serve. And count it a privilege to do so.
Just some thoughts from the heart and mind of His servant, Victor.
"…`Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'”
Matt. 25:21
I’m sure that others of you reading this have fond memories of your mothers. They certainly are unique creatures, aren’t they? mothers, I mean. They seem to posses this uncanny ability called intuition, which is based upon nothing tangible. Mothers can sometimes read your face and can tell when you are stretching the truth. Mothers can also have hunches and her hunch will oftentimes turn out to be right on target.
My thoughts of my mother are wonderful recollections. Thoughts of her laugh, images of her smile and the sound of her voice cause a flood of reminiscences to rush into my mind. I love my mother. If I had to sum her up in one word it would have to be the word “servant.” That woman served a husband and six children for many years. She's serve God even longer than that. She continues to advise me to this very day. I often tell the congregation how she preaches to me during our conversations. When I tell her, “Mom! I already know that. After all, I am a preacher. For goodness sake, I graduated from seminary!” It does not deter her. I simply have to wait until she finishes her 3 point sermon, say, “I love you.” And hand up the phone, while a smile plays at the corners of my mouth.

I attribute much of my desire to serve God’s people in ministry to the example of servanthood displayed by my mother. And it is, indeed, a privilege to serve. I didn’t say it was easy. I did not say that it was not sometimes frustrating, other times difficult and occasionally lonely. I said it was a privilege. When I walk into my office, I remind myself of this at least once a week. I call it "being grateful."
In case you didn’t know it, you too are called to be God’s servant. Servanthood is not just for godly mothers and seminary taught preachers. It is for every believer in the family of God. It is unfortunate that some of us get it wrong. Charles Finney once said concerning this sort:
“They all profess to be servants of God, and yet by observing the lives of many, it becomes manifest that instead of their being God's servants they are only trying to make God their servant. They are seeking to make God their friend, that they may make use of Him to serve their own turn.” Charles G. Finney
So, here is the bottom line. God has equipped each one of us so that we might be servants; not serving God in order to get, but serving Him because we have already been given. Christ gave himself for us. If there is any debt owed here, it is our owing him. Christ did not equip us with gifts to simply sit on them, but so that we might serve.
So, as you remember your mother (that is, God’s idea of a mother) remember the word servant. And when you remember the word servant, remember that you have not been saved to sit back and wait, you have been saved to serve in faith. Finally, once you remember that you have been saved to serve,…serve. And count it a privilege to do so.
Just some thoughts from the heart and mind of His servant, Victor.
"…`Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'”
Matt. 25:21