I begin this blog with the word "welcome" I guess because it just seems to be the most appropriate thing to say. The word is defined as: "A word of kindly greeting, as to one whose arrival gives pleasure: as in 'Welcome, stranger!'" And it certainly is a pleasure to welcome you to my blog.
I was thinking that this word would be an appropriate one for more than one reason. I welcome you for choosing to log into this blog. I appreciate your stopping by. I also welcome some of you because you've welcomed me by choosing to allow me to serve as the pastor of Calvary...for a season. Furthermore, I welcome you because, over the years, many of you have welcomed me into your hearts and homes. Finally, I welcome you because I consider it a real privilege to share my thoughts and musings with you.
You may be wondering what to expect from this site. I wish that I could boast that you will read something really profound that will impact your life and give you the keys to happiness. Alas, I cannot. The reason? Well, because apart from the amazing grace of God that saves and keeps me there is nothing really profound about me.
Nevertheless, as you log in to read some of my thoughts and observations about everything from listening to music to something as simple as shopping at Wal-mart, perhaps something will resonate with you.
Over time, may my words reveal the heart and mind of a man who is profoundly overwhelmed by God's unmerited favor towards him (me). I am simply blown away by the fact that, in spite of my failures and utter deficiencies, he continues to put up with me. Wow! What a love!
Not that I have an awful lot to say but please log in from time to time to see what's on my heart and what's on my mind. I look forward to seeing you in church.
PS: when you get time I thought that you might enjoy reading what I wrote several months ago, right after the church voted to call me to be the 8th pastor of Calvary. It's in an earlier blog. You can find it below or through our web site.
In Christ Alone,