Concerning the Internet: It has opened up a world of opportunity for every single person who feels they have something to say. There are blogs and sites for every imaginable subject under the sun. And, in the case of science and religion, everything in the universe. Now, everyone wants to be a philosopher offering their commentary and opinion on everything in the cosmos. I suppose in saying this, I am pointing a boney little finger right back at myself, as well. Oh well. Confession is good for the soul.
Here is what I am leading up to. Sometimes, we don’t need to say anything, other than what has already been said. In my studies, I often run across some very good quotes. I frequently discover that a thing cannot be stated any better than it has already been stated. This is probably why there have been so many books published containing significant quotes by famous people (e.g. Quotable Quotations by Lloyd Cory; “Tale of the Tardy Oxcart” by Chuck Swindoll; “Who Said That” by George Sweeting). So, with this in mind, here are a few quotes that have resonated with me over the years.
“Christianity demands a level of caring that transcends human inclinations.” Erwin W. Lutzer
“Being part of an agenda beyond ourselves liberates us to complement each other rather than compete with each other” Joseph Stowell
“You have not been saved to sit back and wait, you’ve been saved to serve in faith.” V. L. Stanley
“You cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters are continually flowing on.” Heraclitus
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” Winston Churchill
“Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil.” Mohandas Gandhi
“They that know God will be humble, and they that know themselves, cannot be proud.” John Favel
“We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount…Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.” Omar Bradley
“A smile is the universal welcome.” Max Eastman
“Love and a cough cannot be hid.” George Herbert
“In the beginning God made a man and a woman and set them on earth. Then the man and woman looked at each other and burst out laughing.” African Myth
“We are not saved by continuing in the faith, but rather we continue in the faith because we are saved.” V.L. Stanley
“Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children. Now I have six children—and no theories.” Lord Rochester
“Little pots soon boil over.” Anonymous
“Always take hold of things by the smooth handle.” Thomas Jefferson
“Life is an onion and one cries while peeling it.” French Proverb
“It is not how many years we live, but rather what we do with them.” Evangeline Cory Booth
“To teach is to learn twice.” Joseph Joubert
“Words are loaded pistols.” Jean-Paul Sartre
“We have a head on us for the same reason a pin has: to keep us from going too far.” George Sweeting
“If you would master temptation, you must first let Christ master you.” Anonymous
“By perseverance the snail reached the ark.” Charles Hadon Spurgeon
“To catch even a glimpse of understanding concerning God’s love serves to cast out fear, so that our serving is done out of genuine thanksgiving and humble adoration, rather than personal guilt and morbid fear.” V.L. Stanley
Perhaps you noticed that, interspersed among these quotes, were a few that have been credited to “Yours Truly.” What can I say? Like I said, everyone wants to be a philosopher.
Philosophically and spiritually yours, From the Heart and Mind of Victor.