Have you ever seen such fanfare as we have seen surrounding the inauguration of president Obama? Wow! Frankly, it would be just plan negligent to ignore the fact that history is being made right before our very eyes.
That the very mention of the name Obama can spark a plethora of emotion filled opinions is indisputable. In fact, a blog that I wrote after the election (see, “A Word About The Election” at http://www.victorstanley.blogspot.com/) sparked such a truckload passionate feedback from so many on both sides of the political fence that it left me a bit dumbfounded.
Thanks so much for your feedback. I did not expect that people would comment on my post. I was glad to see that some of you young people gave some serious thought to the political process. The right to vote is a privilege that should not be taken lightly. It has the ability to elect men and women who will leave an indelible mark on the moral fabric of our country. Please consider that during each election and choose wisely.
And now, like it or not, a new president is being inaugurated. May those of us who are believers in Jesus become more diligent in our prayers because both our country and our president will need them. Nevertheless, and though it might cause some of my readers a slight bit of discomfort, I would be dishonest if I did not admit that I am indeed moved by the historicity of the inauguration of this president. It’s not about the man. It’s about the moment.
I do somewhat recognize that it is very difficult for some to understand why, in spite of their political convictions (conservative, liberal or independent), so many are moved by this historical moment. Some of this is probably due to the fact that not all persons have shared the same life experiences growing up in America. It certainly seems that, given some of this country’s history, it has caused others to arrive at this moment and recognize its’ historical precedence. These experiences have caused many proud Americas to look beyond politics and become filled with wonder to see a person, an African American person, achieve what president Obama has. It’s not about the man. It’s about the moment.
Should our faith be shaken by this historic moment in American politics? No. Are we sometimes frustrated by politics? Yes. Are we, at times, disgusted with it? Most definitely. Is my faith shaken by it? No. That’s because my faith and convictions have been formed and shaped by God's word, not by anything that politicians and presidents have said or done. However, and in spite of having to navigate the minefield of American politics, I do greatly appreciate the fact that, for whatever reason, God has blessed me to be born and to live in this wonderful country of ours. I am, unabashedly, a proud American. And, given this historic moment, what a great time to be a proud American. It’s not about the man. It’s about the moment.
Over the years there have been many who have cheered as a rocket landed on the moon, wept as Kennedys fell, mourned as towers collapsed, and marched with King. They were significant experiences that will never be forgotten. However, and in spite of everything that we have lost, man still seems to hold on to hope. I think that is partly what so many see in the inauguration of this president. It’s not about the man. It was about the moment.
I heard it said a few weeks after the election that some were under the opinion that president elect Obama was the Anti-Christ. I doubt that very seriously. Let me assure you, I am not naïve enough to not recognize that our adversary, the Devil, continues to launch a relentless attack against the religious and moral convictions of God’s people. Furthermore, I certainly don’t know what the future holds for our government, its leaders and the decisions that they will make and how it will affect our country. I can only trust in God’s ability to use and keep us in the midst of it.
So, cast your worries and cares upon Jesus and don't miss this historical moment. Celebrate it. Besides, the way I look at it is, if Obama is the Anti-Christ, then, we would do well to head Romans 13:11: “Now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” In other words, the rapture (that moment when we believers will be caught up to be with our Lord) must be right around the corner. What a moment that will be. So, excuse me while I assume an attitude of praise. I want to be worshiping while I’m going up.
It is about the man (Jesus) and the moment.
Just some historical thoughts from the heart and mind of Victor.