It’s funny how your day can be going along just swimmingly and, then…it happens. Someone or something happens that causes you to feel discouraged. Though they may never admit it, even the most positive personalities, eventually, meet up with discouragement.
Frankly, discouragement is a real Joy-Killer. He can ruin the rest of you day; your week; your month. And, if he is not overcome, he will link up with his bosom buddy, depression. Once discouragement and depression link up, watch out! They will take you on a trip. The terrible thing is this trip leads to a destination called despair.
Now, you’re in trouble! You’ve got discouragement, walking hand in hand with depression, both leading you to despair. Sounds pretty bleak, huh? Unfortunately, that’s not the end of it. Once you reach despair you are quickly introduced to “the twins,” Helplessness and Hopelessness. I assure you, they are bad company, indeed. If things did not look bleak before, now, they appear devastating.
My dear friend, you cannot remain here, in this place, in the company of these seedy characters. They mean to destroy you. They desire to control your life. They will cause you to give up. And, in the worst case scenario, they will cause you to think that your life is not worth living.
In the Old Testament “Yā’ash” is a verb found six times meaning "despair," in the sense of "be deprived of hope." In the New Testament “exaporeō” is a rare verb found only in 2 Cor. 1:8; 4:8 with the meaning "despair" in the sense of "give up hope for living." The archbishop of Calcutta tells us that there were times when even Mother Teresa felt abandoned by God. It's a rare person who doesn't get discouraged. It can happen to the best of us.
Therefore, allow me to lead you to encouragement. Someone has said, “Anyone can overcome depression. The first step is to simply realize that there is hope.” Another anonymous source once said, “Hope is the feeling that you will succeed tomorrow in what you failed at today.”
Here are a couple of suggestions for overcoming discouragement. Saturate your mind and emotions with God’s truth about how He really sees you and who you really are in Christ. Replace your negative self-image with a positive self-image. Do this by understanding how God views you, loves you and transforms you, in Christ.
~How God views you: You are the apple of your Father’s eye (Ps. 17:8)
~How God Loves you: You are not able to be separated from God’s love (Rom. 8:38-39)
~How God forgave you: You are free of shame and condemnation; without blame before God (Rom 8:1; Eph. 1:4)
~How God Transforms you: You are being changed and conformed to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:28-29)
The best place I know for the believer to go for encouragement is the Word of God. So, stay in the Word and be encouraged in the Lord.
“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God” (Psalms 42:5-6)
“Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” (Psalms 55:22)
Just a few words of encouragement from the heart and mind of Victor.